Munderoo Campsite

Closest Town: Tumbarumba

Toilets: Yes - pit toilet

Water: Yes, creek - It is located beside a stream in Mundaroo State Forest.

Includes: A covered picnic table, BBQ and campsites.

Cost: Free, no booking required

Access: Munderoo Campsite / can be accessed by vehicle but it is generally 4WD only. Access Mundaroo State Forest via Munderoo Road. Take the first road to the right and then turn right again. Follow that road until you see the Hume and Hovell Track bollard and campsite signage.

Mundaroo is an Aboriginal word meaning ‘place of thunder’. The early settlers attempted to translate Aboriginal words and this resulted in many variations of the spelling of these places. Munderoo is one such example where the two spellings are both used for the area. The State Forest is Mundaroo, but the access road is Munderoo Road, and the Hume and Hovell Track campground is spelt Munderoo.

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